Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Day 3 - December 10, 2019

Day Three - Second Reflection

Do We Recognize Ourselves As Children of God?

Therefore the Lord himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel. (Isaiah 7.14)

Do I have a healthy relationship with myself?
Do I believe I carry the life of Christ within me?
Do I believe that I can birth Christ at each moment, that through my actions and words he can take flesh and be manifest to the people around me?

Let us walk in the light of the Lord! (Isaiah 2.5)

Do I take good care of myself?
Do I believe that my physical body is good and holy and has been created out of divine love?
Can I let the joy and the awe of this great mystery of our faith shine through me?

Show us Lord your love, and grant us your salvation. (Psalm 85.8)

Has my life been changed in a way that leaves me without hope, or feeling very alone?
If illness or tragedy has left my body weak, or an outside force injured me physically, can I accept the blessings I have and give thanks for the blessings I used to have?

In what way(s) could I grow or change as a child of God this Advent?

Advent Prayer

We thank you and praise you, Word-Made-Flesh,
for your presence within us, around us, and through us;
for making our world a hallowed, holy place,
for giving a human touch to grace.
Fill our hearts with joy as we enter into the celebration of your birth,
as we welcome you once again,
and as we joyfully await your final coming in glory!
Adapted from Joyfully We Wait--An Advent Examination of Conscience.
Copyright by Twenty Third Publications.
Used with Permission

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