Day Four - Third Reflection
Do We Listen to God's Call in Our Lives?
Prepare the way of the Lord.
Make straight his paths. (Matthew 3.3)
Do I live in thankfulness for
what God has given me instead of desiring what others have?
Can I measure my life's successes by loving faithfulness to God's cal rather than by material success and human praise?
Can I measure my life's successes by loving faithfulness to God's cal rather than by material success and human praise?
Brothers and sisters: You know the time; it is the hour now for you to
awake from sleep. (Romans 13.11)
Do I forgive myself when I make a
Do I try to learn and grow from my experiences?
Do I follow through on my commitments in joyful fashion or do I resent my responsibilities?
Do I try to learn and grow from my experiences?
Do I follow through on my commitments in joyful fashion or do I resent my responsibilities?
On that day, a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his
roots a bud shall blossom. (Isaiah 11.1)
If a relationship comes to an
unwanted and painful ending, can I stand in that emptiness of loss, of being
left behind, of hitting rock bottom?
Can I find my grounding in God once again, knowing that there is an even deeper love and comfort that will come after this pain?
Can I find my grounding in God once again, knowing that there is an even deeper love and comfort that will come after this pain?
So too, you also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect,
the Son of Man will come. (Matthew 24.44)
Do I numb myself with alcohol, drugs,
food, gambling, sex, pornography, technology, possessions, shopping?
Do I avoid the "still, small voice" within?
Do I avoid the "still, small voice" within?
In what way(s) could I improve how I listen to God's call in my life this Advent?
In what way(s) could I improve how I listen to God's call in my life this Advent?
Advent Prayer
We thank you and praise you, Word-Made-Flesh,
for your presence within us, around us, and through us;
for making our world a hallowed, holy place,
for giving a human touch to grace.
Fill our hearts with joy as we enter into the celebration of your birth,
as we welcome you once again,
and as we joyfully await your final coming in glory!
Adapted from Joyfully
We Wait--An Advent Examination of Conscience.
Copyright by Twenty Third Publications.
Used with Permission
Copyright by Twenty Third Publications.
Used with Permission
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